Analisis Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa (Studi pada Empat Desa Dua Kecamatan di Kabupaten Mandailing Natal Provinsi Sumatera Utara)
This research has a purpose to analysis of accountability management the fund allocation village at four villages, two subdistricts in the Regency of Mandailing Natal Province Sumatera Utara and to give comprehension which is more deep about accountability management allocation fund at four villages, two subdistricts in the Regency of Mandailing Natal Province Sumatera Utara. The fund allocation of village inchides: community, impelementation, and responsibility. The research method is a qualitative interpretive. Informan in this research consist of same informan among others: Had Village, Treasure Village, Village Deleberation Body. The technique of data collection is like observation, interview structured, and documentation analysis. The research of result is referred to stage planning about fund allocation villlage in four villages on gradually which apply the principle participation and transparancy. The stage of implementation is the program about allocation fund the village in a village: Pintu Padang Julu, Tangga Bosi districts Siabu, Jambur Padang Matinggi, Suka Ramai districts Panyabungan Utara. In the regency of Mandailing Natal on the year of 2016 already to applied the transparency principle, an accountability. The stage of responsibility of villages allocation donation both technical and administration are good. However, it still needs a guidance from the Districts of Goverment
Keyword: Accountability, Management Fund Allocation Village.
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