YOPI ADHIMAS FITRA - Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Padang


This study aims to find empirical evidence about the influence on the performance characteristics of local government budgeting. The population in this study is the work units in the city of Padang, which amounted to 39 SKPD. The data source is the primary data. This study used a questionnaire to collect data from 117 respondents. Statistical methods of data analysis used multiple regression using SPSS version 16.0 for Windows. The results showed that the empirical evidence support all the proposed hypothesis: (1) The budget participation did not affect the performance of the local government where t count > t table is, 0.191 < 1.989 and Sig. 0.849 <0.05. (2) Budget goal clarity does not affect the performance of the local government where t count > t table is 0.858 < 1.989 and 0.394 Sig  < 0.05. (3) feedback budget has a significant positive effect on the performance of local governments where t count > t table is 1,993 > 1,989 and Sig 0.049 < 0.05. (4) The budget evaluation significantly gives negative effect on the performance of the local government where t count > t table is -2.977 > 1.989 and Sig. 0.04 < 0.05. (5) difficulties budgetary purposes does not affect the performance of the local government where t count > t table is -0.989 < 1.989 and Sig. 0.326 > 0.05 α.

Key words: Participation Budgeting, Budget Goal clarity, Feedback Budget, Budget Evaluation,  difficulty Purpose Budget, Local Government Performance

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