Kepemimpinan Dalam Akuntansi: Pengintegrasian Topik Dan Pengalaman Kepemimpinan Ke Dalam Kurikulum Akuntansi

(1) Program Studi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi UNP 

(2) Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas 

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Accounting academicians and professionals have admitted that accounting graduates need other skills than accounting or bookkeeping. One of them is leadership skill. This skill is deemed important should they practice as a public accountant. This paper is aimed to elaborate that the need of leadership is one of the most crucial aspects in accounting profession, to illustrate the application of leadership in accounting profession, to integrate leadership and ethics, and to emphasize on the role of accounting educators in providing their students with relevant leadership skills. Since ethics is the heart of leadership, this paper explores how students should be provided with both ethics and leadership knowledge and skill. Accounting educators may use various modes to provide their students with leadership skill, e.g. using case studies in which students participate directly into cases or projects or by integrating certain topics on leaderships into courses. This article proposes some leadership topics that can be integrated into courses in accounting department.
Keywords: leadership, accounting curricula, experience, leadership topics, ethics.
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