
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of independence, ability, effectiveness and dependence of local financial  dependence on the original local government and new  local government with a case study on the Pasaman and Pasaman Barat for the period 2008-2013. This research is descriptive research and the use of secondary data. Based on the analysis found that the ratio of the level of local financial independence Pasaman was 4.88% and was 5.38%  Pasaman Barat with assessment criteria both in very poor condition. To the level of local financial capacity Pasaman obtain the results of  Pasaman 101.40% and 100.64%  for Pasaman Barat t with the result of the very good category, then the level of effectiveness of local revenues with local governments Pasaman 102.83% and the result is 93.87% for Pasaman Barat with a very effective criteria, than  regional financial dependence Pasaman with value 95.10% and 93.35%  for Pasaman Barat with a very high dependence criteria..


Keywords: independence, ability, effectiveness and dependence.