
Fokus penelitian ini adalah analisis kualitas layanan QoS jaringan internet di kampus Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo. QoS mengukur kualitas jaringan dengan mendefinisikan fitur dan sifat layanan. Penelitian tentang Quality of Service (QoS) dari jaringan internet di Kampus Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo menjadi penting seiring dengan penerapan layanan internet di kampus tersebut.Pengukuran parameter QoS seperti Jitter, Delay, Throughput, dan Packet Loss dilakukan di gedung kampus menggunakan aplikasi Wireshark. Dari hasil perhitungan keempat parameter QoS dan pengukuran di gedung kampus, diperoleh nilai rata-rata delay dengan indeks 2 dan kategori "Sedang", jitter dengan indeks 2 dan kategori "Sedang", packet loss dengan indeks 3 dan kategori "Bagus", serta throughput dengan indeks 2 dan kategori "Sedang". Oleh karena itu, rata-rata indeks yang diperoleh adalah 2.25.

Kata kunci : Quality of Service; Tiphon; Packet Loss; Delay; Throughput; Jitter.


The focus of this research is the analysis of the quality of internet network QoS services on the campus of Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo University. QoS measures network quality by defining the features and nature of services. Research on the quality of quality of service Quality of Service (QoS) internet networks at the Nahdlatul Ulama Sidoarjo University Campus is needed because internet services have been built. Measurement of QoS parameters such as Jitter, Delay, Throughput, and Packet Loss was conducted at the campus building using the Wireshark application. From the calculation results of the four QoS parameters and measurements at the campus building, the average delay value with an index of 2 and the category "Moderate", jitter with an index of 2 and the category "Moderate", packet loss with an index of 3 and the category "Good", and throughput with an index of 2 and the category "Moderate" were obtained. Thus, the average index obtained is 2.25.

Keywords: Quality of Service; Tiphon; Packet Loss; Delay; Throughput; Jitter.