Pengelolaan hutan di Indonesia, termasuk wilayah Sumatera Barat, sangat penting untuk kelestarian jasa ekosistem dan pertumbuhan ekonomi berkelanjutan. Meskipun luas hutan Indonesia mencapai 888.950 km2, kebutuhan lahan di sektor lain menyebabkan penurunan luas hutan setiap tahunnya. Dalam konteks ini, Dinas Kehutanan Provinsi Sumatera Barat menghadapi tantangan dalam mengklarifikasi kawasan hutan secara efektif. Penggunaan teknologi informasi, terutama sistem informasi berbasis web, menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk mempercepat dan mempermudah pelayanan administrasi masyarakat dalam mengurus perizinan Peta Indikatif Penghentian Pemberian Izin Baru (PIPPIB). Sistem ini dirancang dengan metode Prototype yang mencakup Listen to Customer, Build and Revise Mock-up, Customer Test Drives Mock-up dan pemodelan Unified Medeling Langueage (UML) kemudian diimplementasikan menggunakan pemrograman web dan basis data menggunakan PHP MySQL dengan framework CodeIgneter. Black Box Testing digunakan sebagai pengujian fungsional sistem. Hasil penelitian ini adalah telah dikembangkannya sistem informasi klarifikasi kawasan hutan di tingkat provinsi yang di beri nama “SIKAP” dengan hasil rata-rata pengujian Performance Score sebesar 89,66% (Sangat Baik) dan Structure Score sebesar 90,66% (Sangat Baik).
Kata kunci : Klarifikasi Hutan, Peta Indikatif, Kawasan Hutan, Metode Prototype
Forest management in Indonesia, including the area of West Sumatera, is critical for the sustainability of ecosystem services and sustainable economic growth. Even though Indonesia's forest area reaches 888,950 km2, the need for land in other sectors causes a decrease in forest area every year. In this context, the West Sumatera Provincial Forestry Service faces the challenge of clarifying forest areas effectively. The use of information technology, especially web-based information systems, is the right solution to speed up and simplify public administration services in managing PIPPIB licensing. This system was designed using the Prototype method which includes Listen to Customer, Build and Revise Mock-up, Customer Test Drives Mock-up and Unified Medeling Language (UML) modeling and then implemented using web programming and database using PHP MySQL with the CodeIgneteter framework. Black Box Testing is used as a functional system test. The result of this research is that a forest area clarification information system has been developed at the provincial level called "SIKAP" with an average test result of a Performance Score of 89.66% (Very Good) and a Structure Score of 90.66% (Very Good).
Keywords: Forest Clarification, Indicative Map, Forest Area, Prototype Method