Pendidikan terus berkembang mengikuti perkembangan zaman, termasuk gaya belajar siswa. Siswa Sekolah Dasar saat ini termasuk generasi Z yang cenderung belajar secara visual dan praktis melalui interaksi dengan teknologi, seperti simulasi, game, atau aktivitas interaktif. Oleh karena itu, guru perlu memanfaatkan teknologi dalam proses pembelajaran. Pengembangan Aplikasi Augmented reality ini bertujuan agar siswa dapat mempelajari materi pengenalan sistem tata surya dengan melihat kombinasi objek maya 2D atau 3D kemudian memproyeksikannya ke dunia nyata untuk memudahkan pemahaman siswa. Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Sistem Tata Surya Berbasis Mobile Augmented reality Mata Pelajaran IPA kelas VI SD yang sudah mengintegrasikan kompetensi dasar, indikator, animasi sistem tata surya, AR dari masing-masing planet, evaluasi, panduan dan akses guru untuk melakukan perubahan isi dari aplikasi. Hal ini bermaksud agar aplikasi ini membuat pembelajaran lebih menarik, yang akan meningkatkan minat siswa karena mereka dapat menggunakannya untuk mengulang pelajaran seperti bermain game yang dapat mereka gunakan di mana saja. Aplikasi ini telah menjalani uji validasi dari ahli media dan materi. Hasil uji validitas menunjukkan bahwa ahli media mendapat skor 98% dan ahli materi 94%.
Kata kunci : Generasi Z, Augmented reality, Tata Surya, Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Android.
Education is constantly evolving to keep up with the changing times, as well as the learning styles of students.Therefor, Elementary school students today are part of Generation Z, who tend to learn visually and practically through interaction with technology, such as simulations, games, or interactive activities. Therefore, teachers need to make use of technology in the learning process. The development of an Augmented reality application aims to enable students to learn about the solar system by viewing a combination of two or three-dimensional virtual objects projected onto the real world, thus facilitating student understanding. The Android-based Learning Media Application for Introduction to the Solar System Based on Augmented reality for Science Class VI Elementary School has integrated basic competencies, indicators, solar system animation, AR from each planet, evaluations, guidelines, and teacher access to change the application's content. With the help of this application, it is expected that learning will become more interactive, which can increase student interest in learning. This is intended to make learning more interesting, increasing student interest because they can use it to review lessons like playing games that they can use anywhere. The application has undergone validation testing by media and material experts. The validity test results show that media experts received a score of 98%, and material experts received 94%.
Keywords: Generation Z, Augmented reality, Solar System, Science, Android.