Penggunaan LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) mengalami peningkatan pesat. LPG rawan menimbulkan kebakaran dikarenakan tekanan yang tinggi saat di udara. Alat berbasis mikrokontroler sudah banyak digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan kebocoran LPG. Sistem keamanan LPG di Desa Boak menggunakan alat bawaan dari regulator konvensional dimana diputar secara manual untuk penutup aliran LPG, ini kurang efektif karena pengguna tidak bisa mengetahui kondisi LPG saat berada diluar rumah. Penelitian ini melakukan rancang bangun alat pendeteksi kebocoran LPG berbasis mikrokontroler wemos D1 R1 dengan fitur notifikasi calling. Hasil penelitian adalah 95% responden setuju alat perlu dibuat, dengan temuan tegangan Step down LM2596 tidak stabil dengan 4.12V ke 3.5V. Revisi produk menambahkan kapasitor sebesar 1000mF dan LED sebagai indikator kebocoran, serta resistor sebagai penghambat tegangan LED. Alat ini sudah berfungsi maksimal dikarenakan sudah dilakukan pengujian dan penyempurnaan berdasarkan temuan. Diharapkan alat ini sebagai sistem peringatan dini terjadinya kebocoran LPG.
Kata kunci : Alat Deteksi, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Mikrokontroler, Notifikasi Calling, Wemos D1 R1
The use of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) has increased rapidly. LPG is prone to fire due to the high pressure in the air. Microcontroller-based tools have been widely used to solve the problem of LPG leakage. The LPG safety system in Boak Village uses a built-in device from a conventional regulator which is manually rotated to shut off the LPG flow, this is less effective because users cannot know the condition of LPG when outside the house. This study designs an LPG leak detector based on the Wemos D1 R1 microcontroller with a calling notification feature. The result of the research is 95% of respondents agree that the tool needs to be made, with the finding that the LM2596 Step down voltage is unstable from 4.12V to 3.5V. The product revision added a 1000mF capacitor and an LED as a leakage indicator, as well as a resistor as an LED voltage blocker. This tool has been functioning optimally because it has been tested and refined based on the findings. It is hoped that this tool will serve as an early warning system for LPG leaks.
Keywords: Detection Tool, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Microcontroller, Call Notification, Wemos D1 R1