Kompetensi tambahan dan penunjang berguna sebagai kompetensi yang mendukung, mengembangkan, dan menambah kompetensi dasar/keahlian di bidang ilmu keelektroan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data-data yang menegaskan bahwa kompetensi tambahan dan penunjang sangat dibutuhkan dalam dunia kerja.Keterkaitan kurikulum terhadap kompetensi ini sangat intim. Kurikulum yang tidak berjalan lancar membuat lulusan vokasional teknik elektro menjadi gagap terhadap kompetensi tambahan dan penunjang ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang menggunakan instrumen penelitian wawancara terstruktur yang dilakukan kepada alumni, mahasiswa program studi pendidikan teknik elektro serta guru SMK. Dari hasil penelitian yang didapatkan (1) kebutuhan kompetensi bagi alumni kompetensi ini belum terlaksana dengan baik, masih banyak yang perlu dibenahi. Dalam menambah beberapa mata kuliah tambahan. (2) kebutuhan kompetensi bagi Mahasiswa belum terpenuhi secara umum, banyak nya gangguan dari proses belajar dan pembelajaran yang membuat kompetensi ini belum terpenuhi secara umum. (3) kebutuhan kompetensi bagi guru SMK belum tercapai, dilihat dari beberapa mahasiswa yang PLK ( praktek lapangan kerja ) yang masih banyak gagap teknologi terhadap alat-alat listrik yang menggunakan tenologi tinggi dan kurang menguasai bahasa asing khususnya bahasa inggris. Dalam hal ini, kurikulum PSPTE dapat mengevaluasi dan memperhatikan kebutuhan dari setiap aspek. Sehingga calon sarjana lebih fleksibel dalam bidang pekerjaan apapun.
Kata kunci : curriculum, additional competencies, vocational education in electrical engineering.
Additional and supporting competencies are useful as competencies that support, develop, and add to basic competencies / expertise in the field of electronics science. This research was conducted to obtain data that confirms that additional and supporting competencies are needed in the world of work. The relevance of the curriculum to these competencies is very intimate. A curriculum that did not run smoothly made vocational graduates of electrical engineering stutter about these additional and supporting competencies. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that uses structured interview research instruments conducted for alumni, students of electrical engineering education courses and vocational teachers. From the research results obtained (1) the competency requirements for these competency alumni have not been implemented well, there are still many that need to be addressed. In adding some additional courses. (2) the competency needs of students have not been met in general, there are many disturbances from the learning and learning process that makes these competencies have not been generally met. (3) the competency requirements for vocational teachers have not been reached, as seen from a number of students with PLK (job training) who still have a lot of technology stuttering on electrical equipment that uses high tenology and lacks mastery of foreign languages, especially English. In this case, the PSPTE curriculum can evaluate and consider the needs of every aspect. So that prospective scholars are more flexible in any field of work.
Keywords: curriculum, additional competencies, vocational education in electrical engineering.