
Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektro (PSPTE) merupakan sebuah program studi di FT UNP yang memiliki tujuan menghasilkan lulusan yang berkompetensi dan siap kerja di bidang industri dan keguruan. Pada penelitian dapat peneliti temukan bahwa tujuan dari PSPTE tersebut belum terpenuhi karena masih banyaknya lulusan yang sulit mendapatkan pekerjaan disebabkan kompetensi yang ada belum terpenuhi saat kuliah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan instrumen wawancara terstruktur yang dilakukan kepada lulusan PSPTE, Guru SMK, dan Mahasiswa PSPTE. Hasil penelitian yang peneliti dapatkan adalah (1) Kebutuhan kompetensi mahasiswa PSPTE FT UNP yang masih kurang tercukupi jika dilihat dari keterampilan yang di pedomani dari mata kuliah keahlian, (2) Kebutuhan kompetensi lulusan/alumni yang tidak terpenuhi dapat dilihat langsung dari pendapat alumni yang bekerja di industri  yang menyatakan bahwa saat memasuki dunia industry, banyak kendala yang dihadapi oleh lulusan PSPTE karena ilmu yang dimiliki terbilang rendah menurut kebutuhan industri, (3) Kebutuhan kompetensi guru SMK yang menyatakan kebutuhan dunia pendidik belum terpenuhi oleh pihak kampus yang dapat dilihat langsung dari mahasiswa PLK (Praktek Lapangan Pendidikan) yang pengetahuan mahasiswanya setara dengan siswa SMK serta kemampuan penguasaan kelas yang belum sesuai dengan karakter seorang pengajar. Seharusnya pihak kampus melakukan perubahan-perubahan dan pembaruan kurikulum yang ada di UNP. Hal ini dilakukan supaya masalah kebutuhan kompetensi yang belum tercukupi bisa di atasi serta tidak tertinggal dengan kampus lain saat memasuki dunia kerja nantinya.

Kata kunci : Electrical Engineering Education Study Program, competencies, curriculum and courses.


The Electrical Engineering Education Study Program (PSPTE) is a major at FT UNP which has the aim of producing graduates who are competent and ready to work in industry and teacher training. In the research, the researchers found that the objectives of the PSPTE have not been fulfilled because there are still many graduates who find it difficult to get a job due to the existing competencies that have not been fulfilled in college. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with structured interview instruments conducted for PSPTE graduates, Vocational Teachers, and PSPTE Students. The results of the research that the researchers got were (1) The competency needs of PSPTE FT UNP students were still insufficient if viewed from the skills trained in the subject of expertise, (2) The needs of graduate / alumni competencies that were not met can be seen directly from the opinions of alumni who work in the industry which states that when entering the industry we as PSPTE graduates have many obstacles because our knowledge is relatively low according to industry needs, (3) The needs of vocational teacher competencies that state the needs of the educator world have not been met by the campus which can be seen directly from students PLK (Educational Field Practice) whose student knowledge is equivalent to vocational students as well as class mastery abilities that are not in accordance with the character of a teacher. The campus should have made changes and updates to the curriculum at UNP. This is done so that the problem of insufficient competency needs can be overcome and we will not be left behind by other campuses when entering the workforce later.

Keywords: Electrical Engineering Education Study Program, competencies, curriculum and courses.