This research aims to confirm the magnitude of the influence of cooperative learning models of the student team achievement division (STAD) on the learning outcomes of class X EI students in study Menerapkan Dasar-dasar Kelistrikan (MDDK) at SMKN 4 Pariaman. This type of research is a quasy experiment with a post test only design. The sample of this study was the X class majoring in industrial electronics at SMKN 4 Pariaman. Class X EI A / I as the experimental class given the treatment of cooperative learning model STAD type and class X EI B / I as the control class given treatment the direct learning model. The results of the research found an average of 76,83 experimental class and 69,17 control class. After done the t test, the result show that thitung > ttabel then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.After calculation, the difference in learning outcomes was found to be 11.07%. The conclusion is that there is an effect to student learning outcomes from the application of cooperative learning models of student team achievement division type.
Keywords: Student team achievement division, learning models, learning outcomes, experiment, control