This research was designed for revealing the difference between
learning achievement of the students taught by using peer tutor strategy
and those taught by using conventional strategy in the learning process of
shapes in class X DPIL of SMK Negeri 4 Padang. The data gotten was
analyzed throught descriptive analysis and inductive analysis. Based on
the result of hypothesis test it was figured out that the value of tcalculated
(3.60) was bigger than ttable (2.00). this result signified that Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted indicating that there was a significant difference between learning achievement of the students taught by using peer tutor strategy and those taught by using conventional strategy in the learning process of shapes in class X DPIL of SMK Negeri 4 Padang.
Kata kunci: hasil belajar, mata pelajaran menggambar bentuk, strategi
tutor sebaya