Mengekspresikan Tari Tradisi Melalui Pengembangan Gerak Dari Aspek Tenaga, Ruang, Dan Waktu

Indrayuda Indrayuda(1), Harisnal Hadi(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Sendratasik


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This article aims to express and explain the issue of how to express traditional dance through the development of motion from aspects of power, space, and time. Traditional dance as a source of arable is developed in the form of new motifs, which are arranged in a structured manner so that it forms a new arable dance. New dance works that are rooted in traditional dance moves are choreographically subjected to reconstruction and modification, so that a creative work takes the form of an artistic, aesthetic, dynamic, and groove development effort that is processed in terms of power, space, and time. The development of these three aspects can shape traditional dance works into new Minangkabau dance works, which are more dynamic, harmonious and attractive.


Traditional Dance; Movement; Energy; Space and Time

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