Rianda Febrianti(1), Mirra Noor Milla(2), Astri Setiamurti(3), Astri Wulandari(4), Izmi Handayani(5), Yuniar -(6),
(1) University of Indonesia  Indonesia
(2) University of Indonesia  Indonesia
(3) University of Indonesia  Indonesia
(4) University of Indonesia  Indonesia
(5) University of Indonesia  Indonesia
(6) University of Indonesia  Indonesia

Corresponding Author
Copyright (c) 2023 Rianda Febrianti, Mirra Noor Milla, Astri Setiamurti, Astri Wulandari, Izmi Handayani, Yuniar -


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The differences in self-conceptualization, Western culture focuses on individuality while Eastern culture focuses on the harmony of social relations, causes the concept of authenticity as a universal personality concept to be different in each culture. For this reason, it is necessary to adapt the Authenticity Scale in the Indonesian context. The Authenticity Scale developed by Wood et al. (2008) is a popular instrument used in authenticity research, relevant for multicultural societies, and has been adopted in many countries. Testing the reliability & validity of the Indonesian version of the Authenticity Scale consisting of 12 items was carried out through two studies (N=394). The results of Study 1 (N= 197) show that this instrument is reliable and valid in all three dimensions. Study 2 (N=197) found that the Authenticity Scale correlated with subjective well-being and self-esteem. This article presents a reliable and valid instrument of perceived authenticity in Indonesia that psychologists, counselors, and researchers can use.


authenticity, scale adaptation, cross-culture


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Copyright (c) 2023 Rianda Febrianti, Mirra Noor Milla, Astri Setiamurti, Astri Wulandari, Izmi Handayani, Yuniar -

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