The Role Of Mindfulness On Mindful Consumption Mediated By The Involvement Of Online Shopper Consumers

Teguh Lesmana(1),
(1) Universitas Pelita Harapan  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2023 Teguh Lesmana


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This study examines the role of consumer involvement in predicting the role of awareness of consumption awareness in online consumer shopping. This research is a quantitative study involving 220 early adult participants who shop online in Jakarta. Data collection was carried out using the Mindful Consumption Behavior Scale to measure mindful consumption, the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaires Short Version (FFMQ-SV) to measure mindfulness, and the Customer Engagement Scale to measure consumer engagement. The three measuring instruments have been tested for reliability and the test results have a good and acceptable reliability value. The results of the study using linear regression analysis show that consumer involvement can play a positive role as a significant mediator of the role of mindfulness in predicting mindful consumption. Thus, mindfulness can play a better role in mindful consumption with consumer involvement that helps online buyers to be fully involved in purchases made so that mindful purchases are created in online shopping.


Mindfulness; Consumer Engagement; Mindful Consumption


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