The influence of the big five on the consumptive behavior of veiled female students at Universitas Negeri Padang

(1) Universitas Negeri Padang


Copyright (c) 2021 Suci Rahma Nio
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The fashion industry in Indonesia continues to grow rapidly. Research in the field of fashion has been widely carried out by the fields of economics, marketing and industry. In the study of Psychology, fashion is researched within the scope of the topic of Consumer Psychology. Consumer Psychology Research on fashion has not analyzed many women with headscarves, because the trend of veiled fashion is a relatively new phenomenon. Women with headscarves who follow fashion trends and often spend their money on fashion are female students. This study involved 146 female research subjects. The subjects in this study were early adults aged 17-21 years. Each research subject was asked to fill out a questionnaire from two types of scales, namely the big five personality scale and the consumptive behavior scale.
The results showed that of the five personality factors, only the aggreableness personality factor showed a significant correlation with the consumptive behavior of the veiled female student. The other four personality types, namely extraversion, neuroticism, openness and consiusness, showed no significant correlation. The meaning of this result is that the personality factor that influences the consumptive behavior of hooded female students is personality aggreabaleness.
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