Hijriyati Cucuani(1), Marina Sulastiana(2), Diana Harding(3), Hendriati Agustiani(4),
(1) Fakultas Psikologi UIN Suska Riau/ Prodi S3 Ilmu Psikologi Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung  Indonesia
(2) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung  Indonesia
(3) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung  Indonesia
(4) Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2021 Hijriyati Cucuani, Marina Sulastiana, Diana Harding, Hendriati Agustiani


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Counterproductive work behavior is still become a problem in government agencies in Indonesia, including in local government agencies. Counterproductive work behavior can be controlled and overcome by optimizing organizational factors, such as conditioning a work climate that supports ethics. This study aims to examine the effect of ethical climate toward counterproductive work behavior in local governments. The data was collected using the Ethical Climate Index and Counterproductive Work Behavior-Checklist. Multiple regression test on 534 employees in 15 Regional Apparatus Organizations of Pekanbaru City, show that ethical climate affects counterproductive work behavior. The results of Product Moment correlation analysis prove that there are relationships in the negative direction of each subscale of ethical climate (norms of empathic concern, norms of moral awareness, focus on others, collective moral motivation and collective moral character) with counterproductive work behavior, except the focus on self, which is positively correlated. Thus, counterproductive work behavior can be reduced by building an ethical work climate.

Counterproductive work behavior masih menjadi  masalah dalam instansi pemerintah di Indonesia, termasuk instansi pemerintah daerah hingga saat ini. Counterproductive work behavior dapat dikendalikan dan diatasi dengan mengoptimalkan faktor organisasi, diantaranya mengkondisikan iklim kerja yang mendukung etik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh ethical climate terhadap counterproductive work behavior di pemerintah daerah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan ekala Ethical Climate Index dan Counterproductive work behaviour-Checklist. Berdasarkan uji regresi ganda terhadap 534 orang pegawai di 15 Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) Kota Pekanbaru diketahui bahwa ethical climate mempengaruhi counterproductive work behavior. Hasil analisis korelasi product moment menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dengan arah negatif setiap subscale dari ethical climate (norms of empathic concern, norms of moral awareness, focus on others, collective moral motivation dan collective moral character) dengan counterproductive work behavior, kecuali subscale focus on self yang berpengaruh dengan arah positif. Dengan demikian, counterproductive work behavior dapat dikurangi dengan menciptakan iklim kerja yang beretika


counterproductive work behaviour, ethical climate, local government


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Copyright (c) 2021 Hijriyati Cucuani, Marina Sulastiana, Diana Harding, Hendriati Agustiani

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