The relationship between career resilience and subjective well-being: The mediation effect of work stress and career success

Like Hartati(1), Martina Dwi Mustika(2),
(1) Universitas Indonesia  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Indonesia  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2021 Like Hartati


Full Text:    Language : en


The issue of continuous change in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and the development of the workforce creates uncertain conditions. This requires employees to be ready and able to face the consequent challenges and changes that occur in their workplace. The numerous demands this imposes can be a threat to employee well-being. The concept of this study was based on (REF) study. However, we included a wider range of subjects, 709 individual employees from various organizations, in Indonesia. The results of a mediation analysis show that career resilience has a positive relationship with life satisfaction and work stress, but there is no mediating effect of work stress and career success in the relationship between these two variables. This result differs from previous studies, which have shown that the relationship between career resilience and life satisfaction is mediated by work stress and career success, with the exception of job level.


Career resilience, work stress, career success, job satisfaction, life satisfaction


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