Abstract: the relationship between self-control and phubbing behavior of students in senior high school 2 bukittinggi. This Research Aims to look at The Relationship Between Self-Control And Phubbing Behavior In SMAN 2 Bukittinggi. The research design used is a quantitative type of correlational research. Research subjects numbered 115 subject who through purposive sampling techniques. The data collection tool uses self-control scale consisting of 30 items with a reliability value of 0.730 and a phubbing behavior scale consisting of 15 aitem with a reliability value of 0.825. Data were processed using product-moment correlation techniques. The results of the study with an rxy= -0.517 with significant p = 0.00 (p<0.05). The result shows that there is a significant negative relationship between the self-control with phubbing behavior of students in SMAN 2 Bukittinggi.