The effect of Planned Behavior Theory on Corruption Intention Intracampus Organization

Nur Ema Zaka Dian(1),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2020 Nur Ema Zaka Dian


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This study aim to determine the effect of Planned Behavior Theory and it’s components on the corruption intention of intracampus organization administrators. The research subject were 111 administrator at Padang State University. The research design used is quantitative associative type with purposive sampling technique. The research used a corruption intention scale and Theory of Planned Behavior scale. The result found that there was a significant positive effect between Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the intention of corruption in intracampus organization administrators with R2= 0,454 or 45,4%  effective contribution. The TPB components that have the most influence on corruption intentions are in order of attitude towards behavior, subjective norm, and perceive behavior control. There were no differences in corruption intention, both in terms of gender and frequency of joining organizations. This research can be used to consider the procurement of anti-corruption education courses in universities and student organizations can add a measure of TPB and corruption intention for recruitment of new members.


Corruption intention, student organization, Theory of Planned Behavior


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