
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bahwa denganpengenalan bahasa Inggris anak melalui AFM (Actional FunctionalModel). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengansubjek adalah anak PAUD Unggul Terpadu sebanyak 12 orang.Teknikpengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan observasi dandokumentasi. Teknik analisis data diolah menggunakan teknikpersentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada siklus Ipengenalan bahasa Inggris anak meningkat dibandingkan dengankondisi awal tetapi belum mencapai kriteria ketuntasan minimal. Padasiklus II pengenalan bahasa Inggris anak semakin meningkatdibandingkan dengan siklus I sesuai dengan rata-rata persentase masing-masing anak dan melebihi kriteria ketuntasan minimal yang ditetapkan.Dalam meningkatkan kosakata bahasa Inggris anak diharapkan kepadaguru untuk dapat memperbaiki proses pembelajaran dengan pengenalanbahasa Inggris anak melalui AFM (Actional Functional Model).Kata Kunci: Pengenalan kosakata bahasa Inggris anak,melalui AFM(Actional Functional ModelAbstract
The aim of research is to know that with the introduction of the Englishchildren through AFM (Actional Functional Model). This researcch is aClassroom Action Research (CAR) subjects are children SuperiorIntegrated early childhood as many as 12 people. Data collectiontechniques in this study using observation and documentation. Dataanalysis technique processed using techniques percentage. The resultsshowed that in the first (I) cycle introduction of English childrenincreased compared with the initial condition but has not yet reachedminimum completeness criteria.In the second cycle (II) the introductionof English children increased compared to the first cycle (I) in accordance with the average percentage of each child and exceed thespecified minimum completeness criteria. In improving children'sEnglish vocabulary is expected to teachers in order to improve learningprocess with the introduction of English children through AFM(Actional Functional Model).Keynotes : The introduction of children's English vocabulary, throughAFM (Actional Functional Model)
The aim of research is to know that with the introduction of the Englishchildren through AFM (Actional Functional Model). This researcch is aClassroom Action Research (CAR) subjects are children SuperiorIntegrated early childhood as many as 12 people. Data collectiontechniques in this study using observation and documentation. Dataanalysis technique processed using techniques percentage. The resultsshowed that in the first (I) cycle introduction of English childrenincreased compared with the initial condition but has not yet reachedminimum completeness criteria.In the second cycle (II) the introductionof English children increased compared to the first cycle (I) in accordance with the average percentage of each child and exceed thespecified minimum completeness criteria. In improving children'sEnglish vocabulary is expected to teachers in order to improve learningprocess with the introduction of English children through AFM(Actional Functional Model).Keynotes : The introduction of children's English vocabulary, throughAFM (Actional Functional Model)
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