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AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana pengembangannilai karakter dalam pembelajaran bahasa di Taman Kanak kanak Bakti 1 Padang.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Taman Kanak kanak Bati 1 Padang.Informan/respondendalam penelitian ini adalah guru Tanam kanak-kanak Bakti 1 Padang. Hasilpenelitia menunjukan bahwa dalam pengembangan nilai karakter dalampembelajaran bahasa anak tidak semua nilai karakter yang dikembangkan, gurumemfokuskan beberapa nilai karakter seperti nilai karakter religius, nilai karakterjujur, nilai karakter tanggung jawab, nilai karakter disiplin, nilai karaktermenghargai dan nilai karakter sopan santun. Untuk pelaksanaan pengembangannyaguru menyiapkan rencana kegiatan harian (RKH) dan rencana kegitan mingguan(RKM).Metode yang digunakan ada tiga metode metode keteladanan, metodepembiasaan, dan metode berceita.Media yang digunakan adalah media yang dipakaiuntuk pemblajaran serti biasa yang sesuai dengan tema.And evaluasi yangdilakukan guru Taman Kanak kanak Bakti 1 Padang sudah cukup bagus sepertimemberikan pujian, tepuk tangan dan acungan jempol kepada anak yang berhasilpengembangan nilai karakternya.Kata kunci : Nilai Karakter Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa
AbstractThis study aims to describe how the development of character values inlanguage learning in kindergarten Bakti 1 Padang. The method used is descriptivequalitative approach. This research was conducted in Kindergarten child Bati 1Padang. Informant / respondent in this study is the childhood teacher PlantingActivity 1 Padang. The results demonstrate empirically that the development of thecharacter values in the child's language learning is not all character values that aredeveloped, teachers focus some character values such as the value of a religiouscharacter, honest character value, the value of the character of responsibility, the value of the character of discipline, respect and value the value of the charactercharacter manners . For the implementation of the development of teachers preparedaily activity plan (RKH) and weekly activity plan (RKM). The method used thereare three methods of exemplary method, the method of habituation, and methodsberceita. The medium used is a medium that is used for regular certi pemblajaranthat matches the theme. And for the evaluation of teachers nursery Nursery Activity1 Padang is pretty good as giving praise, applause and a thumbs-up to thesuccessful development of the child character value.Keywords: Character Value In Language Learning
AbstractThis study aims to describe how the development of character values inlanguage learning in kindergarten Bakti 1 Padang. The method used is descriptivequalitative approach. This research was conducted in Kindergarten child Bati 1Padang. Informant / respondent in this study is the childhood teacher PlantingActivity 1 Padang. The results demonstrate empirically that the development of thecharacter values in the child's language learning is not all character values that aredeveloped, teachers focus some character values such as the value of a religiouscharacter, honest character value, the value of the character of responsibility, the value of the character of discipline, respect and value the value of the charactercharacter manners . For the implementation of the development of teachers preparedaily activity plan (RKH) and weekly activity plan (RKM). The method used thereare three methods of exemplary method, the method of habituation, and methodsberceita. The medium used is a medium that is used for regular certi pemblajaranthat matches the theme. And for the evaluation of teachers nursery Nursery Activity1 Padang is pretty good as giving praise, applause and a thumbs-up to thesuccessful development of the child character value.Keywords: Character Value In Language Learning
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