
DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/4696
AbstractTujuan penelitian adalah untuk melihat efektifitas permainan tangram terhadappengenalan bentuk geometri di Taman Kanak-kanak Lillah Tabing Padang Kecamatan KotoTangah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif, penelitian iniberbentuk eksperimen dengan desain quasy eksperimental. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalahkelompok belajar Taman Kanak-kanak kelas B. Hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa anak padakelas eksperimen yang menggunakan permainan tangram memiliki rata-rata lebih tinggi jikadibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol yang menggunakan pemainan Puzzle geometri.Berdasarkan perhitungan t-test diperoleh bahwa t hitung lebih besar dari t tabel menunjukkanbahwa terdapat keefektifan permainan tangram terhadap pengenalan bentuk geometri. Dengandemikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan pemainan Tangram efektif terhadappengenalan bentuk geometri di Taman Kanak-kanak Lillah Tabing Padang Kecamatan KotoTangah.
Kata Kunci : Permainan Tangram, Pengenalan Bentuk Geometri
The purpose of research is to look at the effectiveness of the tangram game against theintroduction of geometric shapes in kindergarten Lillah Tabing Padang District of Koto Tangah.The method used was a quantitative approach, this study is experimental with quasyexperimental design. Subjects in this study is a study group of kindergarten class B. The resultsshown that children in the experimental class using tangram games have averaged higher whencompared with the control class that uses Puzzle game due to geometry. Based on thecalculation of the t-test showed that t is greater than t table shows that there is effectivenesstangram game against the introduction of geometric shapess. It can be concluded that the use ofeffective Tangram game due to the introduction of geometric shapes in kindergarten LillahTabing Padang District of Koto Tangah.Keywords: Tangram Game, Introduction to Geometry Shape
Kata Kunci : Permainan Tangram, Pengenalan Bentuk Geometri
The purpose of research is to look at the effectiveness of the tangram game against theintroduction of geometric shapes in kindergarten Lillah Tabing Padang District of Koto Tangah.The method used was a quantitative approach, this study is experimental with quasyexperimental design. Subjects in this study is a study group of kindergarten class B. The resultsshown that children in the experimental class using tangram games have averaged higher whencompared with the control class that uses Puzzle game due to geometry. Based on thecalculation of the t-test showed that t is greater than t table shows that there is effectivenesstangram game against the introduction of geometric shapess. It can be concluded that the use ofeffective Tangram game due to the introduction of geometric shapes in kindergarten LillahTabing Padang District of Koto Tangah.Keywords: Tangram Game, Introduction to Geometry Shape
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