
engembangan motorik kasar anak di PAUD Terpadu Bhakti Bunda TabingPadang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatankualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah peneliti lakukan dapatdisimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan pengembangan motorik kasar anak diBhakti Bunda dilaksanakan terintegrasi dalam proses pembelajaran sesuaidengan aturan sistem sentra yaitu pada saat pijakan awal dan secara khususpada saat dibukanya sentra olah tubuh. Pelaksanaan pengembangan motorikkasar di Bhakti Bunda dimulai dengan tahap perencanaan yang dilakukandengan merancang pembelajaran secara berdiskusi, pelaksanaannya sangatditunjang dengan pemilihan metode belajar dan penggunaan media yangsesuai dengan kebutuhan serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan motorikkasar peserta didik. Evaluasi pengembangan motorik kasar anak ditekankankepada penilaian proses dengan melalukan pengamatan atau observasi sertapengambilan tindakan yang sesuai berdasarkan pengamatan tersebut.Kata kunci: pengembangan, motorik, kasar, PAUD Terpadu BhaktiBunda
The purpose of this study is to see how the implementation of the child'sgross motor development in PAUD Terpadu Bhakti Bunda Padang. Thisresearch is a descriptive qualitative approach. Based on research has beendone researcher concluded that the implementation of gross motordevelopment of children in Bhakti Bunda integrated in the learning processcarried out in accordance with the rules of the central system and especiallyduring the opening of fitness centers. Implementation of gross motordevelopment in Bhakti Bunda begin with discussion about learn planningdesign, implementation is supported by the selection of learning methodsand the use of media in accordance with the needs and can develop grossmotor skills of learners. Evaluation of the child 's gross motor developmentemphasizes the process assessment with did observation and takingappropriate action based on these observations.Keywords: development, gross, motor, PAUD Terpadu Bhakti Bunda
The purpose of this study is to see how the implementation of the child'sgross motor development in PAUD Terpadu Bhakti Bunda Padang. Thisresearch is a descriptive qualitative approach. Based on research has beendone researcher concluded that the implementation of gross motordevelopment of children in Bhakti Bunda integrated in the learning processcarried out in accordance with the rules of the central system and especiallyduring the opening of fitness centers. Implementation of gross motordevelopment in Bhakti Bunda begin with discussion about learn planningdesign, implementation is supported by the selection of learning methodsand the use of media in accordance with the needs and can develop grossmotor skills of learners. Evaluation of the child 's gross motor developmentemphasizes the process assessment with did observation and takingappropriate action based on these observations.Keywords: development, gross, motor, PAUD Terpadu Bhakti Bunda
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