Rationalization of Character Education in Islamic Religious Education Through Anti-Corruption Education Strategies

(1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 

DOI : https://doi.org/10.24036/120922
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It is a new phenomenon in Indonesia regarding cases involving several Muslim officials and politicians. In order to anticipate and eradicate corruption, there is an alternative that can be developed in Islamic Religious Education that is a neuroscience approach using the Anti-Corruption Education strategy at the Early Childhood Education level. The research used is a literature study by reviewing journals that are relevant to the author's research, using secondary data, namely data obtained indirectly. The data needed in this study were taken from documents related to research. The data collection technique was carried out by examining and analyzing books and journals with rules related to the implementation of Anti-Corruption Education through fun learning activities for children carried out by participating in the National Movement for Learning I'm an Honest Child while the implementation of Islamic Religious Education is carried out scientifically and holistically integratively but both not yet integrated. Integration is carried out between Anti-Corruption Education and Islamic Religious Education by using the expansion of various forms of corruption related to the themes conveyed during learning activities. Islamic Religious Education is based on neuroscience learning theories. The data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis. The results of the study show that an educator can apply a neuroscience approach by integrating Anti-Corruption Education and Islamic Religious Education through learning activities that are used as habituation programs, carried out repeatedly and continuously with various learning methods so that honest character recognition can be implemented properly. The educator also stimulates and facilitates introducing this honest character according to the stages of early childhood development. The author's argument states that there is a neuroscience correlation, Islamic Religious Education and Anti-Corruption Education in implementing honesty and the development of Moral and Religious Values in early childhood can develop more optimally.
Keywords: Islamic education, brains, goals, character, anti-corruption, and early childhood
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