PT. Andalas Nusa Indah (PT ANI) is a coal mining company located in Sungai
Bringin Village, Pelepat District, Bungo Regency, Jambi Province with license status of
Production Operation Mining License (20010-2019) based on SK Bungo IUP NO. 273 /
DESDM in 2010, issued by Bungo Regent with a total area of 146 Ha.
PT. ANI has a disposal with an area of ± 2.56 Ha, which has no longer functioning.
The disposal of the area is in arid condition which when the dry season causes dust and in
the rainy season there are puddles so that the water puddle can overflow and drain the mine
road which productivity muddle. And also Most of the disposal land has not been used
optimally because there is overburden pile part that is too high while the available land for
disposal is still wide. The company plans to reclaim the disposal of the area. Therefore, good
reclamation planning should be made.
Reclamation planning starts from the arrangement of the land, where overburden
heap that is not equal to height will be flattened so that all the height parallel, After that
making terracing, topsoil top soil spread as planting medium. After the land settlement is
completed then the land will be done cover crop planting. Furthermore, the revegetation
process starts from pengajiran, excavation planting hole, planting, and maintenance (1 year
after the seedlings are planted).
Based on calculations in the planning of reclamation disposal area by way of
revegation, the direct cost for the activities of land smoothing up to revegetation at the
disposal area is Rp. 132.294.402 and indirect costs of Rp. 47.301.493. Then the total cost of
revegetation is Rp.179.595.895.
Bringin Village, Pelepat District, Bungo Regency, Jambi Province with license status of
Production Operation Mining License (20010-2019) based on SK Bungo IUP NO. 273 /
DESDM in 2010, issued by Bungo Regent with a total area of 146 Ha.
PT. ANI has a disposal with an area of ± 2.56 Ha, which has no longer functioning.
The disposal of the area is in arid condition which when the dry season causes dust and in
the rainy season there are puddles so that the water puddle can overflow and drain the mine
road which productivity muddle. And also Most of the disposal land has not been used
optimally because there is overburden pile part that is too high while the available land for
disposal is still wide. The company plans to reclaim the disposal of the area. Therefore, good
reclamation planning should be made.
Reclamation planning starts from the arrangement of the land, where overburden
heap that is not equal to height will be flattened so that all the height parallel, After that
making terracing, topsoil top soil spread as planting medium. After the land settlement is
completed then the land will be done cover crop planting. Furthermore, the revegetation
process starts from pengajiran, excavation planting hole, planting, and maintenance (1 year
after the seedlings are planted).
Based on calculations in the planning of reclamation disposal area by way of
revegation, the direct cost for the activities of land smoothing up to revegetation at the
disposal area is Rp. 132.294.402 and indirect costs of Rp. 47.301.493. Then the total cost of
revegetation is Rp.179.595.895.