Abstract. Based on production data of stripping overburden from January to October 2019 in PT.
Surya Global Makmur, the production of stripping overburden didn’t reach the target. This is
caused by standby times and breakdown times which causes the operating time and productivity
to be low. To determine the potential improvement of a production process and the effectiveness
of use an equipment, it is necessary to do an analysis using overall eqipment effectiveness (OEE)
method. From the OEE value that hasn’t reached the ideal limit, six big losses analysis is carried
out to determine which losses that give the biggest contribution in the decreasing of equipment
productivity. Then fishbone method is used to find the cause and effect of the decreasing of
equipment productivity and evaluation by referring to the result of identification of six big losses.
After analysis and improvement methods are carried out, the production of Komatsu PC 400-18
exceeded the target that has been planned. But the value of OEE is still < 85% haven’t achieved
the world-class OEE >85%, it can be concluded that the state of equipment is not good. It is better
to do improvement to reduced speed losses.
Keywords: Produksi, Komatsu PC 400, Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Six Big Losses, Metode Fishbone