Abstract. PT. Ansar Terang Crushindo is one of a company working in the mining of andesite, located Jorong Pauah Anok Nagari Pangkalan Kecamatan Pangkalan Kabupaten 50 kota Sumatera Barat. Draining system applied in PT Ansar Terang Crushindo is a mine dewatering system. When rainy season, rainfall the higher so as to discharge some runoff who entered the mine is getting higher it leads to the increasing the volume of water that accumulated on sump, so sump overflows and can not accommodate the incoming water. Water that has been gathered at sump will is pumped to open channels for later diverted back out mine to river. From the results of research and observation catchment areas in PT. ATC is 3,1 hectares. The capacity of optimal sump to cover the water runoff and groundwater is 3.050 m. The minimum pump discharge needed to remove water is 0.00553 m3 / second and the pumping time is at least 9 hours per day. The pump used is a Centrifugal Niagara Self Priming pump with a total head of 18 meters, a maximum installed capacity of 0.0395 m3 / second and a maximum rotation of 1700 rpm of 1 unit. The results of pumping are channeled to the open channel, the shape of the open channel section made is trapezoid, the dimensions of the surface width are 1 m, the base width is 0.5 m, the depth is 0.5 m. Then from the open channel is passed to the mud settling pond (settling pond) which has 2 compartments. The total cost of the mine drainage system is Rp. 56.636.523.
Keywords: Andesit Stone, Catchment Area, Sump, Pump, cost