This study discusses the ability to make souvenir needle pads for children with mild disabilities. This research is an experimental research that aims to prove the video tutorial media is effectively used in making souvenir needle pads in children with grade XI disabilities at SLB YPPLB Padang. This research is in the form of Pre experimental design with type one group pretest-posttets. Data collection techniques in the form of pretest and Posttest action tests. This research was conducted once pretest,five times treatment using video tutorial and posttest once, then the data was processed using Wilcoxon sign rank test. the results of the study obtained an average pretest of 46.20 and posttest of 92.20, a rank test value between prestest and posttest of 2,041 with Ashm Sig. (2-tailed) 0.041. predetermined probability α = 0.05. The alternative hypothesis is accepted because the probability (0.041) < of a predetermined probability is 0.05. So it is proven that the use of video tutorials is effectively used in vocational skills making souvenir needle pads for lightly deaf children. it is expected that teachers can use video tutorials in vocational skills learning.
Penelitian ini membahas tentang kemampuan membuat souvenir bantalan jarum bagi anak tunagrahita ringan. penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk membuktikan media video tutorial efektif digunakan dalam membuat souvenir bantalan jarum pada anak tunagrahita kelas XI di SLB YPPLB Padang. peneilitian ini berbentuk Pre eksperiment design dengan jenis one group pretest-posttets. Teknik pengumpulan data berbentuk tes perbuatan pretest dan Posttest.penelitian ini dilakukan satu kali pretest, lima kali treatment menggunakan video tutorial dan posttest satu kali, kemudian data diolah menggunakan uji Wilcoxon sign rank test. hasil penelitian diperoleh rata-rata pretest 46,20 dan posttest 92,20, nilai rank test antara prestest dan posttest 2,041 dengan Asym Sig. (2-tailed) 0,041. probabilitas yang telah ditetapkan α = 0,05. Hipotesis alternative diterima karena probabilitas (0,041) < dari probabilitas yang telah ditetapkan 0,05. Jadi terbukti bahwa penggunaan video tutorial efektif digunakan dalam keterampilann vokasional membuat souvenir bantalan jarum bagi anak tunagrahita ringan. diharapkan agar guru dapat menggunakan video tutorial dalam pembelajaran keterampilan vokasional.