(1) English Department FBS Universitas Negeri Padang 
Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of English Language Teaching
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Digital Storytelling is a media to telling story by using technology. The purpose of digital storytelling is to improve EFL students’ narrative writing at Senior High School. The main thing that is discussed in this paper is how teachers and students implement digital storytelling in improving EFL students’ narrative writing and what are the advantages of creating digital storytelling in improving EFL students’ narrative writing at Senior High School. The teacher builds the background of the student's knowledge first by showing the video in relation to the material to be given. Then, the teacher gives the narrative text related to the material which students are asked to understand the elements contained in the text. Furthermore, teachers provide exercise to students who are asked them to create digital storytelling itself in groups such as creating story map, mapping the plot structure, character profile, background information, completing the story, peer response t- chart, and storyboard. By creating digital storytelling, students can master English well.
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