
Teaching vocabulary to Elemntary school students is not easy, because their have difficulties to mastery new words well. Futhemore, teachers have to prepare the good and interesting ways to improve students’ attraction and also their memorizing to learn vocabulary. This paper will discuss how teacher teach new vocbulary to Elemantary school students in class does. One way the teacher can use is using Pelmanism game. Pelmanism game is a gmae to improve students’ memorizing to remembering words, because this game using card that consists of picture and words. Vocabullary cards is prepared have to appropiate to picture carrds. Then, the way of using this game is very easy, the teacher just prepare pictue cards and vocabulary card that can get from the internet and can get them cut depends on the shape of picture. Take them in a sterofoam in front of class in roder all of the students in class can see that clearly. This game is strated by teacher explanation about the meaning card that had prepare and students will try to remember and also match the cards appropriate to vocabulary card for many times so, the students can remember the words easier.


vocabulary, Elementary school students, pelmanism game