The purpose of this research is to find out the students’ ability in translating phrasal verbs presented in sentences from English into Indonesian and the difficulties that they face in translating them. The population of this research was English Department students of Universitas Negeri Padang who registered in academic year of 2013 and the subject of this research was chosen using simple random sampling. The problems that were discussed in this research were how the students’ ability in understanding phrasal verbs through translating them and what difficulties that they face in translating phrasal verbs. The instrument used in this research was a translation test. The result of the research showed that the students’ ability in translating phrasal verbs was quite good, with the score 68.1. Based on the students’ translation test result, it could be seen some difficulties that they face in translating phrasal verbs. First, they tended to translate word-per-word and second, they tended to omit the particle of the phrasal verbs. Based on the statements above, it could be said that the students’ ability in translating phrasal verbs was quite good despite of some difficulties that they face in translating them.