
The purpose of the research is to describe the quality of multimedia (PowerPoint and video) used by English teachers at SMAN 01 Kamang Magek and also to find out the problems which faced by the English teachers in constructing multimedia in learning and teaching process. This research was an evaluating research. The subject of this research was all of the English teachers and the document files (softcopy of PowerPoint and video which was used by the teachers). The data was collected through the evaluation checklist which was used in order to know the quality of multimedia (PowerPoint and video) used by the English teachers and the interview and observation was aimed to know the the problems which faced by the English teachers in constructing PowerPoint and video in learning and teaching process. In the evaluation checklist, there were two categories in evaluating the quality of PowerPoint and video; they were the quality in its content and the presentation. Based on the finding of the research, it was found that teh PowerPoint had very good quality in its content and the presentation had good quality. Besides that, the video had very good quality in its content and its presentation. In addition, it was found that the English teachers had lack ability in constructing the PowerPoint and video and also in using the technological devices of multimedia.


Multimedia, PowerPoint, Video