Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Using Project Based Learning In Studying Taking Simple Phone Message At Smk Taruna 2 Padang

Devera Shinta Ananda(1), Dinovia Fannil Kher(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2025 Devera Shinta Ananda, Dinovia Fannil Kher



Speaking skills are not easy for language learners, especially for school students. Some of the difficulties experienced by students are related to some aspects of speaking English. PJBL is one method It can help pupils become more proficient speakers. This study is conducted to investigate how effective the PJBL approach is in improving students' speaking skills by studying a simple phone message topic in class 11 TKR at SMK Taruna Padang. The focus of learning is on grade 11 students because they still have difficulty speaking even though they have received adequate English language material. The methodology adopted in this study followed a one-group pretest-posttest design within a pre-experimental setup. According to data analysis, students' speaking abilities before therapy had an average score of 42.8, which is considered to be at a bad level. Then, after receiving the treatment, the average posttest score increased (64.4) which could be classified into the good level category. Due to a substantial difference between the students' pretest and post-test results, the null hypothesis (H0) is disproven, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is validated. In conclusion, when studying and taking simple phone messages, students can effectively enhance their speaking skills by utilizing the PJBL method.


Speaking skill, PJBL, Taking simple phone message


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Copyright (c) 2025 Devera Shinta Ananda, Dinovia Fannil Kher

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