An Analysis of Special School English Teacher's Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary to Deaf Students at SMPLB in Padang

Syofianda Latifah(1), Delvi Wahyuni(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2025 Syofianda Latifah



Teaching English to deaf students presents several challenges, as many experience delays in vocabulary acquisition. Meanwhile, having a broad vocabulary is essential for learning English, as it supports the four main language skills: speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Therefore, teaching vocabulary requires specific strategies that cater to the needs of deaf students. This research explores how English teachers in special schools teach vocabulary to deaf students, focusing on strategies that accommodate their learning needs. The study employs a descriptive qualitative approach, with data obtained from classroom observations and semi-structured interviews with teachers from SMPLB 2 Padang and SMPLB YPPLB Padang. The findings reveal that English teachers use two main strategies: chaining and repeated viewing of accessible materials. Both strategies emphasize visualization, addressing the needs of deaf students as visual learners. Additionally, they incorporate repetition and elements of deaf students’ natural language, such as sign language, fingerspelling, and lip reading. These strategies help students in acquiring vocabulary and provide valuable insights for special education. Understanding and implementing effective vocabulary teaching strategies can contribute to a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for deaf students.



Deaf Students, Vocabulary Teaching Strategy, Chaining Strategy, Repeated Viewing of accessible Material


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