Culinary Students' Perceptions of the Gallery Walk Method in Learning English Speaking Skills at Vocational High School 9 Padang

Fatwa Khaira(1), Dian Safitri(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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Copyright (c) 2025 Fatwa Khaira



The perceptions of culinary students regarding the implementation of the Gallery Walk method in learning English speaking skills were investigated in this study. The Gallery Walk, an interactive and student-centred teaching approach, has been recognized for its ability to enhance engagement, motivation, and speaking confidence. This study was conducted to examine how students from a particular major perceive the Gallery Walk as a teaching method for improving their English speaking skills by analyzing three key dimensions: usefulness, effectiveness, and students’ future preferences for the method. A quantitative descriptive research design was employed, and a structured questionnaire was distributed to students at Vocational High School 9 Padang. The perceptions of culinary students were analyzed through a descriptive research approach. The findings indicate that culinary students had positive perceptions of the Gallery Walk method, with a stronger preference demonstrated due to its alignment with their practical learning style. It was concluded that the Gallery Walk method was perceived as an effective approach for improving speaking skills, particularly in enhancing fluency, vocabulary, and confidence from the students’ perspectives. Future research is recommended to explore culinary students' perceptions in greater depth through a qualitative study.


Culinary Students, Perceptions, Gallery Walk, Speaking Skills


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