
This research involves pre-experimental design aimed to find out the effectiveness of using Baamboozle game to improve students’ grammar mastery at SMA N 1 Kandis. The study focused on eleventh-grade advanced English students at SMA N 1 Kandis as its population. The total population of this study was 36 students, with only one class available. This study utilized a total sampling technique, with class XI 3 as the sample. The researcher carried out the study across eight meetings. The data were gathered through a pre-test and post-test designed. The researcher designed a grammar test focusing on action verbs, the simple past tense, and the past continuous tense, which were included in adapted and adopted narrative texts, particularly legend stories. The data analysis results indicate that the score of pre-test and post-test mean show a notable growth with mean of pre-test at 51.83 and mean of post-test at 80.00. Furthermore, paired sample t-test analysis reveals that two-sided p-value (sig. 2-tailed) is below 0.001, representing that the result is below 0.05. This result supports accepting the alternative hypothesis (H1) and rejecting the null hypothesis (H0). As a result, the data verified that the Baamboozle game is effective in improving students’ grammar mastery.


Baamboozle Game, Grammar Mastery