The Effectiveness of Spinning Wheel game Toward Students' Ability to Use Simple Present Tense at Junior High School in Padang

Annisa Arifa Rahmi(1), Dinovia Fannil Kher(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2024 Annisa Arifa Rahmi


Full Text:    Language : en


 In the Merdeka curriculum, the government added English as a compulsory subject. One of the materials taught was simple present tense. After studying it, students were able in employing the simple present tense both in written and spoken forms. In actually happening, there were several problems in learning the simple present tense at SMPN 22 Padang, for example the learning media used was less interesting and boring. Consequently, in this study, to help students truly comprehend the simple present tense, the researcher used a media that calls for spinning wheel game. The key objective of this research was to examine how possessing of a spinning wheel game affected the students' proficiency with the simple present tense. it used a pre-experimental approach to conduct their quantitative analysis. During the academic year 2024/2025, the population of the study consisted of students who were enrolled in the eighth grade at SMPN 22 Padang. The research employed a cluster random sampling method. The researcher selected VIII.C, including 32 students, as the sample. A total of six meetings were held in order to carry out the researchers' investigation. For the purpose of collecting the data, the researcher employed both pre-test and post-test activities. In this study, the instrument that was utilized was a written test. On the fundamental components of the findings of the research, it was determined that the significance level of the two-tailed paired sample t-test was lower than 0.05. It might be concluded that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected while the alternative hypothesis (H1) was demonstrated to be accepted. Because of this, the students in the eighth grade at SMPN 22 Padang were able to demonstrate the beneficial effect of the spinning wheel game on their ability to use the simple present tense.


Spinning Wheel Game, Learning Media, Simple Present Teanse


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