
This research seeks to determine the effect of using KWL technique on EFL students’ reading ability at SMAN 2 GUNUNG TALANG. For this study pre-experimental with one group pretest posttest design was used. The sample in this study is class XII IPA 1 with 33 students. The data were collected from pretest and posttest which were given to the students. The results indicated that there was an improvement in a scores between the pretest and the posttest showed that there is improvement between pretest and posttest score. The pre-test score mean is 45.48 with 6 students received very poor classification, 18 students received poor classification, and 9 students received fairly classification. The post-test score mean is 50.24 with there is no student received very poor classification, 24 students received poor classification, 8 students received fairly classification, and 1 student received fairly good classification. It means that student’ posttest score were higher than pretest score, demonstrating that the KWL technique was effective in teaching reading


KWL technique, EFL Students, Reading Ability