The Relationship of Students Metacognitive Self-Regulation With Their Speaking Ability At Unp

Arvan Yunesa(1), Salam Mairi(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang 

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Copyright (c) 2024 Arvan Yunesa, Salam Mairi


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This study investigates the correlation between UNP's English department students' metacognitive self-regulation and their speaking ability. This research explores whether students who exhibit higher levels of metacognitive self- regulation demonstrate better speaking ability than those with lower skills. The
researcher employed a quantitative method using Pearson's correlation to measure the relationship between two variables: students' metacognitive self-regulation (independent variable, X) and their speaking ability (dependent variable, Y). The study population includes four classes of public speaking. A sample of 30 students choose with simple random sampling from classes NK2-2022, NK3-2022, NK4-
2022, and NK5-2022 were selected. Tests for speaking ability and a survey to see the students' metacognitive self-regulation were conducted to assess the relationship between the two variables. This study's findings demonstrated a correlation — one that was validated by statistical examination of the data — between students' metacognitive self-regulation and speaking ability. It was revealed that there is a substantial association between students' metacognitive self-regulation and speaking ability. Furthermore, the research shows a positive correlation, indicating that improved metacognitive self-regulation is linked to better speaking ability. Statistical analysis supports this, with a significant p- value of 0.008.


Correlation, Metacognitive, Self-regulation, Students’ speaking ability


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