The importance of English is the reason to develop international class in the university. To make sure the use of English efficiently the right approach needs to be done. The approach known as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) involves learning academic subjects using a foreign language. This method has shown great potential in higher education, as it helps enhances students' analytical and reasoning skills. This article explores the perceptions of international class students in Universitas Negeri Padang on benefit and challenge in implementing CLIL approach. This study aimed to find the students’ perception of the benefits and the challenges in implementing CLIL approach in international class at Universitas Negeri Padang. The study collected data from students through close-ended and open-ended questionnaire using a descriptive quantitative method. The participant of this study were 83 international class students from 17 different program study in Universitas Negeri Padang. The findings showed that mostly the students have very positive perception that CLIL provides many benefits related to the 4Cs of CLIL. However, due to some language proficiency to understanding the target language and the subject at the same time, some students find this approach to be hard and challenging.