Students’ Perception on Internet-Assisted Collaborative Learning in English Class at SMAN 12 Padang

Nada Hendrita Cantika(1), Nora Fudhla(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2)   Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2023 Nada Hendrita Cantika


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Education in Indonesia has included 21st-century learning. This is stated in the curriculum, especially the 2013 curriculum. The features of twenty-first-century learning must be recognized, and the learning models utilized in the learning process must lead to the needs of twenty-first-century learning. Collaborative learning is one of the 21st-century learning models. The use of the internet technology is one of the collaborative learning model's implementation tools. The purpose of this study is to learn about students' perceptions on internet-assisted collaborative learning in English class. This study was done with 39 students from SMAN 12 Padang's XII IPA 4 class. The researchers selected the sample for this study using total sampling. The data in this study was assessed using descriptive research using a quantitative method. The questionnaire was employed as the study's research instrument. According to the findings, students had a highly positive perception of the internet-assisted collaborative learning model. The average mean of the questionnaire represented it (3,31). According to the findings of this study, an internet-assisted collaborative learning model helps students establish positive interdependence, develop responsibility and teamwork, improve communication skills, and become more confident and critical in their English learning.



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