Students’ Perception on The Jigsaw Technique in Learning Reading at SMPN 7 Padang

Nadya La Viola(1), Yetti Zainil(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2022 Nadya La Viola


Full Text:    Language : en


In these current years, there are a lot of teaching method or technique found by experts. Students are expected to be more active and interested in learning by using various teaching method or technique in the classroom. In fact, teacher mostly use the lecture method to deliver lesson. After the teacher implements the Jigsaw technique, the researcher wants to analyze how students’ perception on the Jigsaw technique in learning reading. The transition from elementary school to junior high school may cause students difficulties in mastering English skill. In addition, the two years pandemic also causes lack of students’ motivation in learning English. The use of teaching method or technique must be evaluated in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities This research use questionnaire and interview questions as the instrumentations to collect the data. The researcher found that the implementation of the Jigsaw technique in learning reading has a good response from the students. Students showed positive perception after the researcher calculated the data. Moreover, students agreed that learning reading with the Jigsaw technique makes them understand more about the lesson and they feel enjoy in doing it. Learning reading by using the Jigsaw technique helped the students to participate actively in doing group discussion and trained students to be more responsible in making decision. Students were also learned to appreciate their teams’ hard work. The researcher found that the Jigsaw technique can be a solution for teachers to vary the teaching method in reading skill.


Students’ perception, learning reading, the Jigsaw technique


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