The purpose of this study is to analyze and obtain empirical data on students' speaking ability through role-play technique in new normal era at grade 8 of SMPN 13 Padang. This research used quantitative descriptive methods. The informants in this study were 46 grade 8 students and an 8th grade English teacher at SMP Negeri 13 Padang. The data collection technique used in this study was a speaking test using a role-play technique which was assessed based on speaking indicators and packaged in the form of an assessment rubric and an interview with one of the grade 8 English teachers at SMP Negeri 13 Padang. The results of this study show that the speaking ability of students in grade 8 of SMP Negeri 13 Padang is at the average level with the mean score of 57. The highest component is comprehension with a percentage of 63%. In addition, the results of interviews with the English teacher show that there are several problems in speaking teaching, namely the lack of student confidence, the stigma of students who think that English lessons are difficult, and the lack of mastery of vocabulary. Online learning carried out before the new normal era also affects students' self-confidence. Therefore, teachers apply various methods and strategies in English PBM, especially speaking.
Speaking, Speaking Ability, Role-play, New Normal Era.