
This study aimed to find out the motivation of the English Education 2016 Universitas Negeri Padang in reading academic articles and factors influenced their motivation. This research was done through descriptive qualitative method with 84 populations. The samples of this study were 84 students chosen by using total sampling techniques. The data were collected through a questionnaire adapted from Reading Motivation Questionnaire by Wigfield and Guthrie (1997). The findings of this research indicate that: (1) English Education 2016 students have high motivation because 66 students are in 2,51 – 3,25 mean range. It means that half of the samples are at high level motivation to read academic articles and there are only 6 samples that have low level motivation in reading academic articles (the mean score is 1,76 - 2,50). Moreover, 12 students have very high motivation in reading academic articles (the mean score is in 3,26 - 4,00 range); (2) factors that influenced the motivation of English Education 2016 students’ in reading academic articles are dominated by intrinsic factors.


motivation, reading motivation, factors in motivation