An Analysis of English Language and Literature Department Students’ Ability in Constructing Adjective Clause in Essay Writing

Efrina Haryani(1), Sitti Fatimah(2),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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Grammar is an essential language component that should be concerned to create a good writing, no exception to the use of adjective clause. However, there are still some problems identified in the adjective clause construction. The purpose of the research is to figure out students’ ability in constructing adjective clause. The design used in this research is descriptive research with second year students of English Language Education Program of UNP as the research population.  There were 31 students taken as the research sample selected by using stratified sampling technique out of 162 students. The data were collected through document analysis and Hortatory Exposition essays were chosen as the source of the data. The essays were analyzed by two raters and the score was classified based on score classification. Then, the problems were identified from the students’ adjective clause construction in the essays. The result of the study showed that the students’ ability in constructing adjective clause is categorized into excellent with the average percentage 87. 94%. The common problem found in the students’ adjective clause construction is in sentence element which has total 37.04% problems identified. Students tend to disregard the element of the sentence, such as subject and verb.


Complex Sentence, Adjective Clause, Hortatory Exposition


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