Classroom management is certainly concerned with behavior to create and maintain an effective learning experience. The effective classroom management includes the give of rewards and punishments. Therefore, giving rewards and punishments is important in order to increase students’ motivation in EFL classroom. The purpose of this study is to analyze the types of reward and punishment as well as looking at the possible reasons that use by the teachers. This study employed qualitative research method. The subjects of this research are 3 teachers from Junior high school in Padang. The data were collected through the observation sheets and stimulated recall interviews (SRI). The findings show that (1) teachers mostly used the type of praise (49%) in giving spoken rewards and also teachers mostly used the type of nonverbal cues (54%) in giving spoken punishments. (2) The reasons that teachers give spoken rewards are to enhance students’ enthusiasm in learning English and to increase students’ motivates in learning process. Meanwhile, the reasons that teachers give spoken punishments are to change students’ behavior and to make students afraid to repeat the same mistakes during learning English. Therefore, it can be concluded that the types of spoken rewards and spoken punishments that mostly used by teachers are the first types are Praise and Use nonverbal cues. As a result, there are several reasons teachers give spoken rewards and spoken punishments to the students.