This paper aims to explain how to teach reading at junior high school by implementing REAP technique. REAP technique is the appropriate technique to teach reading. Reading is an activity to get information from printed or written text. In reading, the students not only read a text but also they need to grasp the meaning of the text. However, many students still find difficulties in understanding the text. It becomes the reason why this paper is conducted. REAP technique can help students to overcome the problem. It is because every step in REAP technique helps the students to understand a text. REAP Technique is conducted by providing the students to read a text that is selected by a teacher. Then, the students try to encode by putting the gist of what they read. After that, the students annotate the text by writing down the ideas. Last, the students ponder what they read by thinking and talking to connect their reading with others. This technique also can improve their critical thinking, attention, and motivation during the reading process.