An article entitled “An Analysis of English Teachers’ Code Switching and Code Mixing in Classroom Instructions at SMA Pembangunan Laboratorium UNP” aims at determining codes mostly used by the English teachers and the functions of classroom code-switching and code-mixing. To meet the need of this research, the subject of this research was 3 English teachers at SMA Pembangunan Laboratorium UNP. The data of this research was the English teachers’ utterances which contain code-switching (CS) and/or code-mixing (CM). The instrument used was an audio-video recorder which recorded the classroom conversation. To know the codes mostly used by the English teachers, the data were analyzed to see the what codes occur in teachers’ utterances. Moreover, the data were analyzed using 3 categories of functions of classroom CS and CM proposed by Ferguson (2003) to determine the functions of classroom CS and CM. The results showed that the code mostly used by the English teachers in delivering lesson was Bahasa Indonesia. Then, the other dominant codes were English, switching and/or mixing English – Bahasa Indonesia, and switching and/or mixing Bahasa Indonesia – English. In addition, the functions of classroom CS and CM were for curriculum access, classroom management, and interpersonal relation, in which classroom CS and CM for curriculum access was dominantly found in the teachers’s CS and CM. The finding of this research was the English teachers did more code-switching and code-mixing than target language in delivering the lessons, since the classroom activities’ purpose was to transmit subject content not to develop linguistic skills.