An Analysis of Second Year English Department Students' Ability in Using English Grammatical Collocations at Universitas Negeri Padang

Ari Ervansyah(1), Yenni Rozimela(2), Saunir Saun(3),
(1) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(2) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia
(3) Universitas Negeri Padang  Indonesia

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The study was aimed to find out the ability of the student of the second year English Department in using English grammatical collocations.The population were the students of the second year English Department at UniversitasNegeri Padang. The samples were the students which take Essay Writing subject with academic year 2017/2018. The samples were taken by random sampling. They are 37 students from 5 classes.The level demonstrates that the use of English collocations are in the level of very good. Based on the quantitative data, the use of English grammatical collocations are 90.32% for correct collocations and 9.68% for incorrect collocations. English grammatical collocations are divided into 8 categories. They are G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6, G7, and G8. In addition, the use of English grammatical collocations for G1 is 91.67% for correct collocations and 8.33% for incorrect collocations. G2 shows 70% for correct collocations and 30% for incorrect collocations. G3 shows 94.01% for correct collocations and 5.99% for incorrect collocations. G4 and G5 show 100% for correct collocations. G6 shows 81.12 for correct collocations and 18.88% for incorrect collocations. G7 shows 100% for correct collocations. G8 shows 85.80% for correct collocations and 14.20% for incorrect collocations.


English Grammatical Collocations


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